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JVS & the Jewish Community

At JVS, we take great pride in our organization’s Jewish heritage and the values it upholds.

At JVS, we take great pride in our organization’s Jewish heritage and the values it upholds.


As an organization led by Jewish values, we draw strength from the rich history and teachings that guide us in our work. We embrace the Jewish values of inclusivity, justice, respect for diversity, and the pursuit of knowledge.

These values inform our commitment to serving individuals from all backgrounds, cultures, and faiths, fostering an environment of understanding, empathy, and collaboration.


Our Jewish heritage serves as a foundation for our commitment to social justice and advocacy. In line with the Jewish value of pursuing righteousness, we actively work to address systemic barriers, promote equity, and create opportunities for those who face discrimination or marginalization by our social and economic systems. We believe in the importance of building a more just and compassionate society, where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Through our programs, services, and advocacy work, JVS embodies the Jewish principle of Tikkun Olam.

We seek to repair the world by partnering with individuals to achieve economic mobility, supporting their personal and professional growth, and fostering a sense of community and belonging. We strive to provide individuals with the tools they need to succeed in a rapidly changing world, equipping them with the education, training, and support necessary to navigate the complexities of the modern job market.

At JVS our Jewish heritage serves as a guiding light, illuminating our path as we work to create a more equitable and inclusive society. We are proud of our roots, and we embrace the opportunity to contribute to the well-being and prosperity of individuals and communities, regardless of their background or faith.

Cissie Swig

Since its founding, I have been a proud supporter of Jewish Vocational Service. Its work is critical to our Bay Area community. It is heartfelt and so meaningful to know that with a gift to JVS I can help individuals develop their potential through training and professional guidance, bringing a sense of dignity and respect to each one.

~ Roselyne C. Swig, Longtime Supporter

Join Us – Give to JVS!

Join us on this meaningful journey as we draw strength from our Jewish heritage to empower individuals, foster social justice, and build a brighter and more prosperous future for all.