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Ways to Give

Multiracial group of people entering the public transport

Join us in making a profound impact and help shape a future where everyone has access to the opportunities they need to achieve their dreams. Your contribution directly supports jobseekers, their families, and our broader community.

Make a tax deductible donation today and help create positive change in the lives of community members striving for fulfilling careers.

Donate Online

Your gift makes a transformative impact. Select your donation amount to join our community of supporters who are building a brighter future for California jobseekers.

donating to JVS by mail

Donate By Mail

If you’d like to donate by mail to JVS, please send your check to:

Jewish Vocational Service

548 Market Street, PMB 37733
San Francisco, CA. 94104

Please include your contact information for acknowledgement.

Planned Giving

When you include JVS in your will or estate plans, you ensure life-transforming services will be available for jobseekers in perpetuity. For more information, visit

If you’d like to learn more about planned giving, contact Sarah Charukesnant, Chief Development Officer, at

Donor Advised Funds

JVS is fortunate to receive annual donations from a number of Donor Advised Funds each year, including the Fidelity Charitable, Jewish Community Federation, Schwab Charitable, Silicon Valley Community Foundation, Vanguard Charitable and many others.

Questions about donor advised funds? Contact us at  

Matching Gifts through Corporations

Many corporations and businesses support JVS through matching gift programs. Check out the Benevity Portal to see if your workplace is already registered to donate through matching gifts.

Questions about matching gifts? Contact us at

Stock Donations

Stock donations are a wonderful way to support nonprofits, as they provide valuable resources to fund important programs and initiatives. Additionally, donors can enjoy meaningful tax advantages by contributing appreciated stocks, allowing them to make a positive impact while also receiving potential tax deductions and avoiding capital gains taxes. It’s a win-win situation that spreads warmth and support to causes we care about.

If you’re interested in donating stock to JVS, contact us at

Fundraise for JVS

Start a fundraiser on Facebook or another platform to introduce your friends to JVS and encourage their donations. We’d be happy to provide photos, stories and receipts for these tax-deductible donations.

If you’re interested in fundraising with us, or would like to brainstorm possibilities, contact

Cissie Swig

Since its founding, I have been a proud supporter of Jewish Vocational Service. Its work is critical to our Bay Area community. It is heartfelt and so meaningful to know that with a gift to JVS I can help individuals develop their potential through training and professional guidance, bringing a sense of dignity and respect to each one.

~ Roselyne C. Swig, Longtime Supporter
hakeem oseni

In my work, I leverage the framework that JVS has designed to support nonprofits to scale their onboarding programs and bring more diverse people into the field of tech. I support JVS because of their innovative programs that help immigrants and people from marginalized backgrounds find jobs that pay livable Bay Area wages.

~ Hakeem Oseni II, JVS Board Member & Program Alum

I made a donation to JVS because it means a great deal to me to be able to give back, especially during this critical time. I hope that the community can also benefit from JVS’s services as much as I have.

~ Moaath Sebiaa, JVS Program Alum
Kirsten Wolberg

I support JVS generously because it is one of the few organizations truly addressing economic inequality at the core. By helping jobseekers find great jobs with real career paths to achieve greater economic mobility, JVS is increasing representation at local companies, and impacting families for generations to come.

~ Kirsten Wolberg, President, JVS Board of Directors

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