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IEWorks: Building Models of Success in the Inland Empire

November 20, 2022

IEWorks Inland Empire

In 2016, JVS partnered with BAYWORK, a regional consortium of water and wastewater agencies, to design and implement effective training programs, assess training gaps, inform bridge programs, and identify replication and expansion opportunities for future models.  

In 2020, JVS partnered with community leaders in the Inland Empire to replicate successes and lessons learned from the JVS/BAYWORK partnership, and together developed IEWorks. IEWorks, an Inland Empire-based regional water and wastewater industry nonprofit, creates opportunities for underrepresented workers in the Inland Empire to secure high quality career pathways, while also resolving mission-critical labor shortages in water and adjacent industries.

Over the last two years, IEWorks has increased the number of highly qualified candidates for mission-critical positions in the water/wastewater industry, supporting 50 workers to get the training and support they need to advance their careers, while also ensuring economic equity across the Inland Empire. IEWorks is working hard to develop a diverse talent pipeline through apprenticeship, internship, and career awareness opportunities. 

Our key partners include: West Valley Water District, Metropolitan Water District, Inland Empire Utilities Agency, San Bernardino-Riverside Building Trades Council, Inland Empire Labor Council, San Bernardino Valley College, Inland Empire Black Worker Center, and more.  

“The IEWorks internship program benefits me to pursue a career in water due to one of the main things needed to get into the water field, and that’s experience. With the experience that this program has granted me, it will be more of a legitimacy for me to be able to pursue a career in water moving forward.”

– Dimitrius Glass, IEWorks Intern 2022