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White Paper: How Employers Can Prepare Workers for an AI-Driven Economy

April 2, 2024

About the White Paper

The depths to which AI will change how the U.S. workforce functions are still unknown, yet jobseekers and employers must face the reality that this ever-evolving technology has the potential to disrupt long-held industry norms. Using data from our labor market analysis and ongoing research, JVS partnered with Jobs for the Future (JFF) to develop a set of recommendations for employers to prioritize their greatest assets, the workers who power their businesses.

Read the full set of recommendations and learn more about the JVS data that informed the paper at the JFF website.


  • Alison Schmitt, Director, JFF
  • Devon Miller, Director, JFF
  • Alessandro Conway, Manager, JFF
  • Bekka Rosenbaum, Chief Strategy Officer, JVS
  • Dylan Ruggles, Interim Vice President of Program Operations, JVS
  • Regina Anders-Jefferson, Manager, Program Development, JVS